Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Remove Skin Tag

How to remove skin tags :

Here are 3 natural remedies for removing skin tags that have been proven to be bath safe and effective.:

1- you can remove a skin tag using tea tree oil. This fabulous essential oil is extracted from an Australian plant called Melaleuca Alternifolia which is a plant that works wonders in treating so many skin diseases.

The method for removing skin tags using tea tree oil is simple. You just have to wash the skin tag and its surrounding areas with soap and water and leave it dry out. Then take a Cotton ball and soak it in water and put three drops of tea tree oil on it. You'll then have to rub it against the skin tag.

Do this three times a day for a couple of days until the tag falls off.

2- The other natural way to remove skin tags is to use a herbal extract like Dermisil for skin tags. This natural medicine is extracted from 3 plants that are very well known for their healing effects on so many severe skin conditions. These three plant are: Ricinus communis, Thuja occidentalis and Melaleuca alternifolia.

3- Castor oil is another natural remedy for removing skin tags. If you want to try it out, it is recommended that you mix it with baking soda. Mix them together until they form a paste and then apply that paste to your skin tags.

4- You can remove skin tags using fingernail polish. You just cover the tag with the fingernail polish 3 times a day for a couple of days until the tag falls off.

5- You can also remove a skin tag by tying a thin string around its base for a couple of days until it falls off. For this purpose, you can use a fishing line or a dental floss.

6- Another way to remove skin tags at home is to use duct tape. Just take a piece of duct tape that is big enough to cover the skin tag and leave it taped on it until you notice that it has started to loosen up. then check to see if the skin tag is actually falling off. If not, repeat the procedure until the skin tag falls.

7- There is also another home remedy for removing skin tags that consists on using Vitamin E. You put some vitamin E on a band aid and you tape it on the skin tag. Then wait for the skin tag to fall off. This will take a couple of days.

8- Compound w freeze can also be used to remove skin tags. The method is similar to using Duct tape.

9- If you want to get rid of a skin tag using a faster and more drastic way, then you'll have to cut it off using scissors or nail clippers. If you want to give this method a try, make sure you're using a disinfected instrument and apply a good amount of alcohol to avoid infection.

10-Remove skin tags with apple cider vinegar (ACV) the method is very simple: you just rub some ACV on the skin tags three times a day using a Cotton ball. You'll have to keep at it for 10 to 15 until the skin tags fall off.

1 comment:

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