Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Remove Skin Tag

How to remove skin tags :

Here are 3 natural remedies for removing skin tags that have been proven to be bath safe and effective.:

1- you can remove a skin tag using tea tree oil. This fabulous essential oil is extracted from an Australian plant called Melaleuca Alternifolia which is a plant that works wonders in treating so many skin diseases.

The method for removing skin tags using tea tree oil is simple. You just have to wash the skin tag and its surrounding areas with soap and water and leave it dry out. Then take a Cotton ball and soak it in water and put three drops of tea tree oil on it. You'll then have to rub it against the skin tag.

Do this three times a day for a couple of days until the tag falls off.

2- The other natural way to remove skin tags is to use a herbal extract like Dermisil for skin tags. This natural medicine is extracted from 3 plants that are very well known for their healing effects on so many severe skin conditions. These three plant are: Ricinus communis, Thuja occidentalis and Melaleuca alternifolia.

3- Castor oil is another natural remedy for removing skin tags. If you want to try it out, it is recommended that you mix it with baking soda. Mix them together until they form a paste and then apply that paste to your skin tags.

4- You can remove skin tags using fingernail polish. You just cover the tag with the fingernail polish 3 times a day for a couple of days until the tag falls off.

5- You can also remove a skin tag by tying a thin string around its base for a couple of days until it falls off. For this purpose, you can use a fishing line or a dental floss.

6- Another way to remove skin tags at home is to use duct tape. Just take a piece of duct tape that is big enough to cover the skin tag and leave it taped on it until you notice that it has started to loosen up. then check to see if the skin tag is actually falling off. If not, repeat the procedure until the skin tag falls.

7- There is also another home remedy for removing skin tags that consists on using Vitamin E. You put some vitamin E on a band aid and you tape it on the skin tag. Then wait for the skin tag to fall off. This will take a couple of days.

8- Compound w freeze can also be used to remove skin tags. The method is similar to using Duct tape.

9- If you want to get rid of a skin tag using a faster and more drastic way, then you'll have to cut it off using scissors or nail clippers. If you want to give this method a try, make sure you're using a disinfected instrument and apply a good amount of alcohol to avoid infection.

10-Remove skin tags with apple cider vinegar (ACV) the method is very simple: you just rub some ACV on the skin tags three times a day using a Cotton ball. You'll have to keep at it for 10 to 15 until the skin tags fall off.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Three Qualities Every Leader Needs to Succeed on a Team

"I want your help developing my direct reports into stronger leaders," John* the new CEO of Fasseni, a $350 million technology company, told me several years ago.
Initially, I approached the request like any consultant might.
First, I asked John why he wanted my help. He told me that Fasseni had stagnated. They had been hovering around the same revenue point for years and their competitors were gaining market share. He saw opportunity and knew that success lay in the hands of his direct reports. That made sense to me.
So John and I defined a list of qualities a great leader should have, like expertise in their field, strategic thinking capability, common sense intelligence, powerful communication skills, problem solving prowess, and similar traits.
Then I spent some time interviewing him and his direct reports to better understand their strengths and weaknesses as they related to the list of leadership qualities we had defined.
Identify the goal, assess the current situation, understand the gap, and then close it. Consulting 101. Simple, right?
Only in this case, it wasn't so simple — because there was no gap.
On the whole, the leaders at Fasseni were smart, capable, communicative, strategic people. A few were even charismatic. They were good leaders. Maybe we could have made incremental improvements, but, I told John, I didn't believe it would be a good use of his resources. Our work wouldn't move the needle enough.
We sat in silence for a moment and then I chanced a gut feeling. "There is one more thing I'd love to do. I can't exactly tell you why, but I'd love to see your direct reports in a meeting together." He hesitated — so far I hadn't added much value — but he took a risk.
Here's what I saw:
One item on the agenda was the slow down in sales. When that conversation started, the head of sales started to defend his organization. Prices are too high, he said, because of the CEO's focus on margins. If manufacturing could reduce costs, then sales would pick up.
Hold on, the head of manufacturing argued, we can't reduce costs because of the way the product is engineered. If engineering didn't overcomplicate things, the product would be cheaper to build.
Wait a second, retorted the head of engineering, we're only responding to what marketing is telling us we have to create to meet customer demand. If we didn't have to be so customized for each unique customer situation, we could engineer a more efficient product.
And so the conversation continued, like a game of hot potato, everyone hoping, desperately, that the blame wouldn't land with him when the song ended.
"We've been focused on the wrong problem," I told John at dinner that night. "You asked me to help you develop your direct reports into strong leaders. But they're already strong leaders . . .individually. They're just not strong leaders collectively."
Each leader ran his organization successfully, aggressively pursuing his organization's interests. And each one succeeded in meeting — often exceeding — his goals. Each one was committed to — and cared deeply about — his organization's performance.
But that's all they cared about — their own organizations. They were impressive as leaders, but destructive as a leadership team.
As I watched John's team struggle, I was reminded of the popular columnist Dan Savage, who employs a formula of "good, giving, and game" on the topic of personal relationships. In some ways, a leadership team is no different than any long-term relationship. If you want to be a good partner — personally or professionally — you need to be three things:

  • Gifted. Simply put, leaders need to be good at what they do. Smart, prepared, and well-informed, they need to engage in conversations with curiosity and capability. But to be on a team, they need to go beyond that. They need to be gifted communicators and gifted learners, mastering conflict without being offensive, and adapting to their own changing roles as the organization grows.

  • Game. They need to have the courage to take risks. To be vulnerable and open to challenge and criticism, they need to be willing to consider anything. This requires a tremendous amount of confidence. The kind of confidence that allows them to be questioned by others — even take blame and feel threatened — without becoming defensive.

  • Generous. They need to put the good of the company above their own department, team, or agenda. They must be good-hearted, mutually respectful, and gracious, resisting the urge to dominate, take the upper hand, or shine at the expense of others. Part of being generous with others also means taking an interest in, learning about, and offering opinions regarding the other team members' functions.

  • Being gifted, game, and generous is tremendously hard to do because those qualities can make us feel tremendously vulnerable. That's why I teach emotional courage during the Leadership Week I run for senior leaders. We need that courage if we're going to lead with others.
    John and I started to develop each member of the team — and shape the dynamics of their collaboration — to bring out these qualities. It took time, hard work, and commitment and it didn't work for everyone. Those who could not bring themselves to be gifted, game, and generous did not remain on the team.

    Over time, our focus on the leadership team paid off. Since we started working together, Fasseni has grown from approximately $350 million in revenue to about $1 billion. During that time, the stock price went from around $10 per share to around $80 per share.
    That kind of growth is inevitably driven by a number of factors. But one factor stood out, a single element that gave them a clear advantage compared to their competitors: A gifted, game, and generous leadership team.
    *Names and some details changed
    More blog posts by Peter Bregman
    Peter Bregman


    Peter Bregman helps CEOs and their leadership teams tackle their most important priorities together. His next Leadership Week is in January, 2014. His latest book is 18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done. To receive an email when he posts, click here.

    Tuesday, July 16, 2013

    Mereka telah pergi meninggalkan kita..

    Post tertunda....
    Berita kematian yang mengejutkan...

    Antara insan-insan yang telah pergi tinggalkan dunia ini...Moga dengan kehadiran ramadhan mereka tenang di sana.

    1st-Tok ndak yang dah lama sakit (7 Julai 2012)
    2nd-Mak long sakit jugak( 6 October 2012)
    3rd-Atok lama sakit jugak(9 November 2012)
    4th-Mak lang orang kami sangka sihat walafiat juga tinggalkan kami..(12 December 2012)

    Mereka semua ni orang banyak berjasa kepada generasi akan datang...saya dan juga sepupu yang lain...
    ..Jasa mereka terlalu banyak untuk di kira...Saya juga ada pengalaman manis bersama mereka...Al-Fatihah untuk yang telah pergi meninggalkan kita..


    Wednesday, June 12, 2013

    Ayam bakar mudah

    Ayam bakar mudah

    ****Sorry la gambar gelap, maklumla snap pakai phone, but rasanya marvellous...


    5-6 ketul ayam (sederhana jer ok)
    2 biji bawang kecil besar ibu jari*
    1 inci halia (kalo nak kurang boleh jugak)*
    1/2 inci kunyit/serbuk kunyit pun boleh*
    3 ulas bawang putih*
    1 sudu besar (jgn penuh sgt) rempah kurma (cara paling cepat) / jintan putih+jintan manis (tumbuk-cara lambat cikit)
    1 sk lada hitam -nak lebih pun ok
    1 sudu besar gula
    garam secukup rasa

    Kisar / tumbuk bahan bertanda
    campur semua bahan dalam bekas sehingga sebati
    cucuk-cucuk ayam dengan pisau supaya rempah mudah meresap
    perap dalam setengah jam/lebih..

    Panaskan pan memasak, masukkan sedikit minyak (dalam 1 sudu besar)..masukkan ayam, masak dengan api perlahan, tutup pan dengan tudung periuk kukus...kalo ada magic pan tu gunalah magic pan..saya x guna pan biasa...sebab apa kena tutup..ayam tu akan lebih empuk dan terasa jus pada ayam tu..dah nampak perang pada ayam tu buka penutup pan tu..supaya ayam tu garing dekat luar...rempah tu pun sedap bila dah garing...saya n husband berebut rempah yang dah garing tu..kalo nak bakar pun boleh..tapi sanggup ker nak perasap api...saya x serajin itu lagi...dulu yer la...

    **Ini resepi mak saya dari dulu sampai sekarang kami adik-beradik x jemu makan...cuma anak dia advance cikit...rempah pakai instant jer...

    Makanan yang sedap bukan dari resepinya...dari hati yang ikhlas...apa2 pun akan sedap...

    Tuesday, June 11, 2013

    Kebaikan Bawang Putih

    Saya suka bawang putih, walaupun baunya tidak menyenangkan, tapi best bila makan....tumbuk dengan cili letak cikap, best makan dengan bihun sup...terliur lah pulak...hahaha..saya nak kongsikan manfaat bawang putih...saya ambil daripada link ni

    Antara khasiat bawang putih:-

    Mengurangkan risiko angin ahmar
    Bawang putih mampu penghasilan oksida nitrik pada dinding saluran darah yang membantu untuk mengembang dan mengawal tekanan darah dengan baik bagi mengelakkan risiko darah tinggi dan angin ahmar. 

    Mengurangkan risiko kanser
    Kaya dengan anti oksidan seperti selenium, bawang putih mampu membantu mengurangkan radikal dalam darah, sekaligus mengurangkan risiko seseorang menghidap kanser. 

    Bertindak sebagai anti bakteria dan antivirus
    Sejenis bahan iaitu allicin yang terkandung di dalam bawang putih ini bertindak sebagai antivirus dan antibakteria dalam memusnahkan beberapa mikrobakteria. Jadi, ianya amat baik untuk jangkitan perut, jangkitan influenza dan sebagainya. 

    Mengandungi banyak iodin
    Bawang putih mempunyai kandungan iodin yang tinggi yang baik untuk pesakit hypertiroid. 

    Dapat tingkatkan sistem imunisasi
    Kajian mendapati bahawa pengambilan bawang putih sebanyak dua hingga tiga ulas sehari selama tiga minggu akan meningkatkan aktiviti sel darah putih untuk melawan jangkitan dan tumor.

    Wednesday, May 29, 2013

    Amalan Pemakanan......... Merawat Penyakit GOUT.

    Baru lepas telefon mak...
    Mak kalo ada sakit apa2 mesti terus kctu...
    "Mak sakit gout, baru jer balik klinik..."
    "mak x makan apa2 kot?...confident jer tanya..."
    "mak makan sotong..."
    "nak kena mak ni!!!..."bukan marah tapi sayang...
    alahai buat kita susah hati...anaknya kalo ada kemusyikilan mesti terus google..nak cari penawar..saya jumpa artikel ni...mungkin boleh jadi panduan untuk semua..termasuk saya k.......

    Berikut adalah panduan bagi mencegah daripada terkena penyakit gout..InsyaAllah.

    Elakkan atau kurangkan makanan atau amalan berikut:
    Hati lembu ...antara pantang pesakit gout (pantang jumpa)

    1.       Elakkan kacang tanah, kacang putih dan segala kacang bergaram.
    2.       Elakkan segala macam buah-buahan jeruk kering seperti asam boi, buah kana, dll
    3.       Elakkan segala macam buah-buahan jeruk basah seperti mangga jeruk, ceremai dan anggur jeruk.
    4.       Elakkan memakan mi segera seperti mi maggi dsb
    5.       Elakkan memakan makanan rapu seperti twisties, chikadess, o ring dsb
    6.       Elakkan memakan mi kuning dan roti canai. (Gantikan mi kuning dengan spageti dan roti canai dengan capati dan tosei). Segala produk yang menggunakan tepung putih juga perlu dielakkan seperti roti dan pizza.
    7.       Elakkan Nescafe, air sunquick, oren squash dan segala minuman berperisa kerana kandungan utama minuman ini ialah bahan kimia, pewarna dan perisa.
    8.       Elakkan minum teh kedai kerana teh kedai adalah teh recycle yang semata-mata dibuat dari bahan kimia pewarna dan perisa.
    9.       Elakkan chokelat dan minimakan air milo. Gantikan Milo dengan horlick.
    10.   Elakkan mengambil sebarang air minuman bergas.
    11.   Elakkan mengambil jambu batu atau jus jambu batu
    12.   Kurangkan atau minimakan pengambilan durian, rambutan, ciku, mangga siam, mata kucing siam dan longan. (Makan ala kadar sahaja)
    13.   Elakkan tembikai dan tembikai susu
    14.   Kurangkan pengambilan kerang, ketam, udang dan sotong. Makan sedikit sahaja dan jangan kerap mengambilnya.
    15.   Kurangkan mengambil ayam daging kerana mengandungi beta agonist dan pelbagai hormon penggemuk. Ayam ini dibesarkan diladang cuma 31 hari sahaja akibat diberikan ubat-ubatan ini. Cuba gantikan dengan ayam kampung atau ayam yang dijual dipasar yang kulitnya berwarna kuning. Ayam ini tidak mengandungi ubat-ubatan terlarang.
    16.   Bila makan daging, pilih daging tanpa lemak (tendon). Bila makan ayam (kampung) pilih makan bahagian dada dan elakkan bahagian banyak tendon seperti wing (kepak) dan peha.
    17.   Elakkan makan buah oren seperti oren sunkist, air limau seperti air teh O limau.
    18.   Elakkan makan cendawan dan produk cendawan termasuk ubat ganoderma
    19.   Elakkan makan ikan berbisa seperti ikan semilang dan ikan pari.
    20.   Elakkan makan organ dalaman seperti hempedal, hati, jantung dan tidak ketinggalan telur ikan.
    21.   Kurangkan makan makanan kari seperti kari ikan dan daging.
    22.   Elakkan sayur kacang buncis, bayam, petola dan bunga kubis
    23.   Elakkan berlari dan melompat (gantikan dengan berjalan) bagi yang sudah mengalami gout
    24.   Elakkan berurut terutamanya di bahagian pinggang
    25.   Kurangkan atau elakkan pulut, keladi, keledek, kentang dan ubi.
    26.   Elakkan jering, petai dan kerdas
    27.   Kurangkan pengambilan minyak kelapa sawit.
    28.   Elakkan menonton bahan pornografi
    29.   Elakkan menaiki motorsikal dengan kedudukan kaki ke hadapan seperti menaiki motorsikal Jaguh.
    30.   Elakkan sebarang uabat-ubatan seperti pain killer dsb
    31.   Elakkan mengambil sebarang supplement seperti multivitamin dsb
    32.   Elakkan Ikan masin jeruk seperti ikan tenggiri
    33.   Elakkan sayuran jeruk
    34.   Elakkan makanan dalam tin seperti sardin dan buah-buahan bertin
    35.   Elakkan makan telur masin
    36.   Elakkan cuka makanan tiruan (usahakan cuka makan asli dari apel hijau)
    37.   Elakkan makanan segera (Fast food) seperti KFC, Mc Donald, burger, sosej, naget dsb- Amerika adalah negara terhebat di dunia dengan fast food diikuti dengan Hong Kong, Australia dan England. Amerika juga adalah negara terhebat dengan penyakit berkaitan buah pinggang diikuti oleh Hong Kong, Australia dan England (
    38.   Elakkan terjatuh dan berurut di bahagian pinggang.
    39.   Elakkan menahan terlalu lama daripada membuang air kecil (tahan kencing)
    40.   Kurangkan makanan bersantan
    41.   Kurangkan makanan yang mengandungi bahan pewarna, perasa dan pengawet tiruan dan termasuk ajinomoto

    Makanan atau amalan yang perlu diamalkan selalu pula ialah:

    ulam raja  antara ulaman yang perlu diamalkan
    1.       Minum air masak / suam dengan banyak terutama sekali bila masuk tidur. Lebih elok lagi sampai perlu bangun tidur pukul 3 pagi kerana perlu kencing
    2.       Amalkan minum teh misai kucing 2 uncang sehari.
    3.       Makan peria dan peria katak
    4.       Sawi pahit, kacang botor, kacang panjang, kailan
    5.       Susu tepung (bukan anelene, HL atau low fat)
    6.       Minyak zaitun. Satu sudu besar sehari adalah amalan yang disarankan
    7.       Ulam seperti ulam raja, pucuk gajus, pegaga dsb
    8.       Buah Delima
    9.       Epal hijau 2 biji seminggu
    10.   Burung seperti burung puyuh dan merpati
    11.   Daging itik, rusa, pelanduk, napuh, landak, arnab dan sebagainya
    12.   Garam kasar menggantikan garam halus
    13.   Berendam dalam air panas pada paras pinggang selama 20 minit selepas minum segelas air suam (dalam besen atau pun tab mandi) atau SPA.
    14.   Makan lebih banyak sayur-sayuran
    15.   Makan kapsul HABBATUSSAUDA

    Sebenarnya penyakit gout ini adalah rahmat dari Ilahi. Orang yang sihat memanjang sampai tua selalunya susah untuk mengingati Allah. Penyakit ini mudah-mudahan menjadi kafarah untuk menebus segala dosa-dosa lalu seperti dijanjikan Allah. Gout macam rambut yang bertukar menjadi putih sebagai amaran dari Allah bahawasanya kita makhluk Allah akan dipanggil mengadapNya dan masanya sudah semakin hampir.

    Sekian wassalam

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    Wednesday, April 24, 2013

    Egg Substitutes in baking

    Egg Substitutes in baking...

    Replacement In

    With Ingredients like

    How to Replace

    BrowniesSilken Tofu/ Tofu( 1/4 cup blended silken tofu = 1 egg )Process in a blender until completely smooth and creamy, leaving no graininess
    or chunks. You will want to attach other wet ingredients to this mixture to
    return with it to blend properly.
    Applesauce(1/3 cup applesauce = 1 egg or ¼ cup Applesauce + 1 tsp Baking Powder )If chocolate in the brownies overpowers the flavor of applesauce so it can be safely used, and is in fact, one of the
    best egg substitute in brownie mix.
    Soy Yogurt/Plain Yogurt( ¼ cup Yogurt= 1 EGG )If you are a vegan, you may opt for soy yogurt. Otherwise plain yogurt will do
    the trick. Just beat it well and add it to the brownie mix.
    Flax seeds(1 tbsp ground Flax seeds +3 tbsp Water =1 eggGrind the flax seeds in a coffee grinder, and mix with water. Allow it to rest till it becomes gelatinous, then use.
    Bananas(½ pureed Banana, abt 1/4 cup = 1 egg)Just mash it smooth, and use it but the addition of banana will alter the flavor of the brownies
    Commercial Egg SubstituteUse
    as per instructions on pack. Many people who have used this find it to leave behind a peculiar taste. However, there have been exceptions to this case.
    (½ pureed Banana, abt 1/4 cup = 1 egg)
    RecipesBanana Blueberry Bread
    Soy yogurt(1/4 cup soy yogurt = 1egg)Soy yogurt works deeply like whiz tofu as an egg replacer.Helps to make it moist
    Water(one egg with 1/4 cup water.Recipe:Vegan Banana Nut Bread
    Flax seeds(1 tbsp ground Flax seeds +3 tbsp Water =1 eggAdding ground flax seeds to any recipe add Omega-3′s to the recipe! You can buy ground flax seeds in the health section of most grocery stores.
    RecipeWhole Wheat Honey Walnut Pumpkin Bread

    (eggs mostly serve as leavening agents in cakes, helping to make the end product light and fluffy)
    (1/3 cup applesauce = 1 egg or ¼ cup Applesauce + 1 tsp Baking Powder )
    (½ pureed Banana, abt 1/4 cup = 1 egg)
    RecipeWholegrain Banana Cake
    Soy yogurt/Yogurt(1/4 cup soy yogurt = 1 egg)Soy yogurt works deeply like whiz tofu as an egg replacer. It makes things moist.
    Recipes: Blueberry Boy Bait;Strawberry Yogurt Cake
    Water(one egg with 1/4 cup water.)
    Vegetable Oil(1/4 cup = 1 egg)RecipesBanana Cupcake
    ButtermilkButtermilk is one of the preferred egg substitute used for eggless cake recipes. What you need to do is add half a cup of buttermilk (instead of one egg) and follow the same directions as you did for baking regular cakes. The only thing is to add less amount of water for making the dough. With buttermilk, the resultant cake will be very soft and tasty.
    Pureed Fruits(3 tablespoons of pureed fruit = one egg )In cases when you don’t like using eggs and buttermilk in cakes then a good egg substitute for baking cakes is, adding pureed fruits. Use 3 tablespoons of pureed banana (for one egg) and follow the same tips for baking cake. Even
    without eggs, you will surely serve a soft and delicious cake with pureed fruits.
    Gelatin (Non Vegetarian)(1 tablespoon gelatin + 3 tablespoons lukewarm water = 1 egg)Another popularly used egg substitute in baking is unsweetened and unflavored gelatin. Most vegetarians prefer adding Agar Agar instead of Gelatin as a substitute in cake, instead of the other options. For using gelatin in baking cake, mix together one tablespoon gelatin with three tablespoons lukewarm water. Add this mixture for making the cake dough.
    Flaxseed(1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil+ 3 tablespoons water = 1 egg)Stir the flaxseed mixture well and allow it to thicken for a few minutes. Strain the seeds by using a muslin cloth and use the filtrate for baking cake.
    Vinegar and Baking PowderUse this egg substitute in cake, only when you require more than one egg for baking. Mix one tablespoon each of white vinegar and water in a glass. To this, add one teaspoon of baking powder and stir well until
    the mixture blends well. Now, use this egg substitute for your cake recipe.
    Potato Starch(2 heaped tbsp potato starch = 1 egg)
    Arrowroot Powder(2 heaped tbsp arrowroot powder  = 1 egg)
    Soy flour(1 heaping tablespoon of soy flour + 2 tbsp water = 1egg)
    Soda PopA regular-sized (12 oz.) can of soda pop can be used as a substitution for 3 eggs in your baking recipes. Additionally, one regular-sized (12 oz.) can of soda pop can be substituted for the oil/egg combo
    required by most boxed cake mixes.

    (eggs mostly act as binding agents in cookies and adding moisture)
    Vegetable Oil(1/4 cup = 1 egg)
    Cornstarch(1 tablespoon of Cornstarch + 2 Tablespoons of Water = 1 egg)
    Soy flour(1 heaping tablespoon of soy flour + 2 tbsp water = 1 egg)
    Ener-G Egg Replacer(follow package instructions)It seems to work best surrounded by cookies, or things that are supposed to be a little crispy.Otherwise, there have been complaints that it tends to add certain aftertaste noticeable more in other bakes like a chalky taste.

    (eggs mostly act as binding agents in Muffins and adding moisture )
    Applesauce(1/3 cup applesauce = 1 egg or ¼ cup Applesauce + 1 tsp Baking Powder )
    Pumpkin(1/3 cup of cooked pumpkin = 1 egg)This works almost for all baked goods but especially for muffins leaving a subtle Pumpkin flavor in the muffins (depending upon the eggs substituted)
    Soy yogurt/Yogurt(1/4 cup soy yogurt = 1 egg)Soy yogurt works deeply like whiz tofu as an egg replacer. It makes things moist
    RecipesCranberry Walnut Muffins
    Water(one egg with 1/4 cup water.
    Vegetable Oil(1/4 cup = 1 egg)
    Soy flour
    (1 heaping tablespoon of soy flour + 2 tbsp water = 1 egg)
    Banana(½ pureed Banana, abt 1/4 cup = 1 egg)Recipe:Strawberry Banana Quinoa Muffins
    Flaxseed(1 tbsp ground Flax seeds + 3 tbsp Water = 1 egg)RecipesVegan Pear Walnut Muffins

    PancakesFlax seeds(1 tbsp ground Flax seeds + 3 tbsp Water = 1 eggAdding ground flax seeds to any recipe add Omega-3′s to the recipe! You can buy ground flax seeds in the health section of most grocery stores.
    Soy flour
    (1 heaping tablespoon of soy flour + 2 tbsp water = 1 egg)
    Banana(½ pureed Banana, abt 1/4 cup = 1 egg)
    Savory Dishes(as binders/ coating)Mashed PotatoesWhen a recipe in any savory dish like Vegetable Loaves or
    Burgers calls for eggs as a binding agent, then any of these will work as an substitute for eggs. When used for Frying (as an coating of eggs and flour), you can use a mix of all purpose flour + water to form into a paste and apply that as coating instead of beaten eggs.
    Bread Crumbs
    Cooked Oatmeal
    Cooked Rice
    Tomato Paste
    Chocolate pies, Quiches, puddingTofuTofu is great for egg substitutions in recipes that call for a lot of egg. To substitute for only one egg in a recipe, whip or blend 1/4 cup soft tofu and add to your cooking.
    CornstarchThis especially works great for puddings. 1 egg = 2 tbsp cornstarch + 2 tbsp water
    RecipesChocolate Tapioca Pudding
    Salads/ Sandwiches/OmeletTofuDiced or mashed tofu can replace chopped hard-boiled eggs in some salad and sandwich recipes. Scrambled tofu makes a delicious alternative to scrambled eggs.

    Source from:-

    Tuesday, April 16, 2013

    Memilih pemimpin yang terbaik

    Daripada Ummu Al-Mukminin Ummu Salamah Hindi binti Abu Umaiyah Huzaifah, daripada Nabi Muhammad SAW bahawa sesungguhnya Baginda bersabda: “Sesungguhnya pada suatu masa nanti akan dilantik beberapa pemimpin. Maka ada yang kamu bersetuju (kerana amalan mereka yang bertepatan menurut syarak) dan yang kamu tidak bersetuju (kerana perbuatan mereka yang bercanggah dengan syarak). 

    Sesiapa yang benci (dalam hati) maka terlepaslah ia (daripada) dosa dan sesiapa yang membantah sesungguhnya ia terselamat. Tetapi, sesiapa yang reda dan mengikuti (pemimpin itu) yang telah bermaksiat. Sahabat bertanya: Wahai Rasulullah tidakkah kita perlu memerangi mereka? Sabda Rasulullah SAW: Jangan perangi mereka selagi mereka mendirikan solat.” (Riwayat Muslim) 

    Jangan redai perbuatan jahat Janganlah kamu meredai perbuatan jahat, jika kamu reda maka kamu dianggap berkongsi dalam mengerjakannya. 

    Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Ia (iaitu kepimpinan) adalah amanah dan di akhirat ia menjadi kehinaan dan penyesalan kecuali mereka yang mengambilnya dengan hak dan melaksanakan tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan di dalamnya.” (Riwayat Muslim)

    Setiap orang yang bertaraf pemimpin hendaklah menyedari tanggungjawabnya dan bersedia melaksanakan hukum Allah dalam pemerintahannya.

    Pemimpin yang arahannya menyeleweng daripada ajaran Allah tidak wajib dipatuhi tetapi tidak boleh diperangi selagi dia mendirikan solat.

    Menimbulkan fitnah dan perpecahan dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam adalah dilarang kerana perpecahan itu lebih berat dan lebih dahsyat daripada kemungkaran pemerintah serta ketidakadilan mereka.
    Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Ia (iaitu kepimpinan) adalah amanah dan di akhirat ia menjadi kehinaan dan penyesalan kecuali mereka yang mengambilnya dengan hak dan melaksanakan tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan di dalamnya.” (Riwayat Muslim) 

    Pikul amanah dengan ikhlas

    Setiap amanah mestilah diterima secara hak dan penuh kefahaman tugas-tugas dan kewajipan yang terkandung dalamnya. Seterusnya dipikul dengan ikhlas dan jujur serta berusaha sedaya upaya supaya tanggungjawab dapat dilaksanakan.

    Sebaliknya sesuatu amanah itu jika dijadikan batu loncatan untuk kepentingan diri, bermegah dan berseronok maka kepimpinan itulah yang bakal menjadi punca penyesalan serta kehinaan di akhirat. Bahkan ketika di dunia lagi ia akan merasai kehinaannya terutama apabila kepimpinannya itu terlucut daripadanya.

    Oleh itu bagi orang yang benar-benar menyedari hakikat tanggungjawab kepimpinan, tidak mungkin akan meminta atau terlalu ghairah merebut sesuatu jawatan kerana setiap amanah itu perlu dipikul dengan berhati-hati. Amanah akan disoal di hari akhirat kelak.

    Koleksi hadis Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM)

    Monday, April 15, 2013

    Health concern: The hard truth about soft drinks.

    • The hard truth about soft drinks.

      1. “The hottest new beverage is water.”
      People aren’t losing their thirst, but they are going back to basics. Water is one of the fastest-growing segments of the beverage industry, studies suggest, while sales for traditional fizzy drinks are on the decline. From 2009 to 2011, sales of regular soft drinks declined by 1.9% to $27 billion, according to a 2012 report from market research group Mintel. “It would seem that the category has seen its peak and is now retreating,” the study reported. (Consumers are choosing more low- and no-calorie beverages, says a spokesman for the American Beverage Association.)
      The decline is part of a shift in consumer tastes. From 2001 to 2011, annual bottled-water consumption soared 56% to 26 gallons per person — the equivalent of 166 of those typical 20-ounce bottles — according to The Beverage Information Group and the U.S. Census. At the same time, annual soda consumption fell 16%, to 44 gallons (about 281 single-serving bottles) per person. Indeed, many soda makers now also own bottled-water brands. Coca-Cola owns Dasani, PepsiCo owns Aquafina, and Dr Pepper Snapple owns Deja Blue.
      While fizzy-drink sales may have lost their fizz, soda isn’t going away any time soon. A decade ago, 80% of Americans consumed at least one such beverage every two weeks, says Harry Balzer, chief industry analyst for market research firm NPD Group. Today, 72% continue to do so. “Soda is still a very popular part of the American diet,” he says. “More Americans drink soda than drink energy drinks and coffee.”

      2. “Coke made Santa fat.”
      Coca-Cola has been often credited with creating the modern image of Santa Claus: The rosy-cheeked fellow with plenty of girth appeared as part of its advertising as early as the 1930s. The old-fashioned version of St. Nicholas, the European saint on whom Santa is based, is depicted as more svelte. But amid growing concerns about rising obesity rates, Santa’s size has begun to take on a new implications. “Soda continues to be blamed for obesity, and proponents of obesity-reduction programs continue to clamor to tax the beverage,” the Mintel report states.
      Rising consumption of sugary drinks has been a major contributor to the obesity epidemic, according to a 2012 report published by the Institute of Medicine. Some 26% of American adults defined themselves as obese in 2011, according to the Well-Being Index calculated by market research group Gallup and health-care consultancy Healthways. And too much sugar consumption is one of the most direct causes of Type 2 diabetes, says Margo G. Wootan, director of nutrition policy at the Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest. In fact, drinking one to two sugary drinks per day increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 26%, a 2010 study published by the Diabetes Journal found.
      The industry disputes the idea that such studies prove that soft drinks are a major part of or even cause the problem. “None of the studies say that drinking a soft drink will make you obese,” says Christopher Gindlesperger, a spokesman for the American Beverage Association. But he says that the soft-drink industry has nonetheless responded to these concerns and significantly reduced the amount of sugar in drinks: 45% of soft drinks sold now have zero calories, and the average calorie count per serving has fallen 23% since 1998. “It says a lot for consumer tastes and what our companies are doing,” he says. A spokeswoman for Coca-Cola says the company has helped reduce the number of “beverage calories” sold in schools by 90% since 2006, when Coca-Cola joined the Alliance for a Healthier Generation — a joint initiative of the William J. Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association — to create a new school-beverage policy in the U.S.

      3. “Diet drinks aren’t health foods.”
      The bad news: Diet soda may not be good for you either. One recent study by French researchers published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found a strong correlation between diet drinks and increased risk of Type 2 diabetes. Women who drink “light” beverages tend to consume 43% more than women who drink normal sugary drinks — the study found. Furthermore, when consumed in equal quantities, artificially sweetened drinks were associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes.
      But correlation isn’t causation. These studies don’t rule out that factors other than artificially sweetened beverage consumption are responsible for the association with diabetes, says Gindlesperger of the American Beverage Association. He says other factors play a role: According to the National Institute of Diabetes, for example, those at greater risk for Type 2 diabetes include people in certain ethnic groups, those who are overweight or those with a family history of diabetes.

      4. “We’re caffeine-dependent.”
      Energy drinks are the new kid on the block in the beverage industry, stealing market share from traditional sodas, experts say. In fact, sales of energy drinks are expected to grow from $12.5 billion last year to $21.5 billion by 2017, according to the market research group Packaged Facts. Soft-drink companies have their own energy brands. Coca-Cola sells NOS, PepsiCo has Amp Energy and Dr Pepper Snapple owns Venom Energy.
      But the caffeine content of energy drinks has caught the attention of the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA caps permissible caffeine levels in soft drinks at 200 parts per million, or 0.02%, which is the equivalent of around 72 milligrams in a 12-ounce can.
      However, there are no such restrictions on energy drinks and, an FDA spokeswoman says, some may contain more than the FDA’s recommended allowance per serving. “To date, no regulatory limit has been set for the amount of caffeine in other types of drinks, although the FDA has received several petitions requesting such a regulation,” a spokeswoman says.
      One 16-ounce can of Monster Energy, one of the most popular energy drinks on the market, has around 160 milligrams of caffeine (vs. 38 milligrams in a 12-ounce can of Pepsi) and it isn’t unusual for users to consume multiple drinks in a day. Tammy Taylor, a spokeswoman for Monster Beverage, points out that the drinks contain half the caffeine of many large coffees. Indeed, a grande (16-ounce) Starbucks coffee has 330 milligrams of caffeine, and a 16.5-ounce Panera frozen mocha has 267 milligrams, according to the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest.

      5. “Caffeine and alcohol make a dangerous cocktail.”
      Too much of something is rarely a good thing — especially when it comes to uber-caffeinated energy drinks. The number of people showing up at emergency rooms reporting symptoms like racing heartbeat, seizures and headache after drinking energy drinks soared from 10,000 to more than 20,000 from 2007 to 2011, according to a survey of hospitals released last month by the federal government’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Most of those visits were made by teens or young adults, it said.
      “We’re seeing more and more people coming in with these issues, especially young people who are mixing their energy drinks with alcohol,” says Tom Sugarman, emergency physician and spokesman for the American College of Emergency Physicians. And it’s not just youngsters: Sugarman recently gave advice to a mother who complained that her baby never slept; it turned out, she was drinking energy drinks while breastfeeding. “That’s going to go straight to baby,” he says.
      Energy-drink manufacturers take issue with the ER-visit study. A spokeswoman for Monster Beverage says it’s “highly misleading and does not support any conclusion that energy drinks are unsafe for consumers.” And as an official statement by the American Beverage Association points out: The report “shows that 42% of the reported ER visits were by someone who had admitted to consuming alcohol or taking illegal substances or pharmaceuticals…. And the consumption of those substances along with energy drinks means the energy drinks may be irrelevant.”

      6. “We’re the last drink some people ever have.”
      Because many energy drinks are considered dietary supplements, the manufacturers are required to report fatalities with potential connections to the products to the FDA. As of March 6, 2013, there was one report of an individual who drank the dietary supplement and energy drink Rockstar Energy before dying; 13 reports of deaths involving possible involvement of 5-Hour Energy; and eight death reports mentioning Monster. Monster is changing its label to a conventional food, but it has told the FDA that it intends to continue to voluntarily file adverse event reports after the conversion.
      There’s no way to know, of course, whether the drinks and the fatalities are causally connected. Maureen Beach, a spokeswoman for the American Beverage Association, says energy drinks have been “enjoyed safely” in the U.S. for more than 15 years and around the world for over 25 years. 5-Hour Energy — which is not a member of the ABA — is a 1.93 fluid ounce “shot” rather than a “drink” and is only marketed to adults as a dietary supplement, says Elaine Lutz, a spokeswoman for 5-Hour Energy. Both Monster and 5-Hour say the filing of such reports doesn’t mean a product caused the fatality. Lutz says 5-Hour doesn’t market its products to children and does not recommend individuals take more than two shots a day (spaced several hours apart). Rockstar Energy did not respond to requests for comment.

      7. “We like big cups and we cannot lie.”
      In March, a New York State Supreme Court justice overturned New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s plan to prevent restaurants, food carts, delis, sports stadiums and movie-theater concession stands from selling sugary drinks in cups larger than 16 ounces — much to the dismay of many public health advocates. The Bloomberg administration plans to appeal the decision, but experts say even if the ban on supersize sodas succeeds, retailers will find a way around the ban in, well, a New York minute.
      Before the ban was overturned, Dunkin’ Donuts unveiled signs telling customers that they could add their own sugar and “flavor swirls” to large and extra-large beverages, which could effectively help customers get around the rule. A spokeswoman for the company says all Dunkin’ Donuts restaurants in New York City were prepared to comply with the New York City beverage regulations. Preparing special condiment stands for customers to add their own flavor or sweeteners, she says, was primarily designed “to eliminate as much confusion as possible.”
      Scott DeFife, head of government relations at the National Restaurant Association, says the ban itself made little practical sense. For instance, customers at Brother Jimmy BBQ, a chain of southern-style restaurants in New York, would still have been able to order giant pitchers of cocktails like margaritas — and as many ribs as they can eat — and simply order their 24-ounce drinks by buying several smaller cups, he says. Plus, 7-Eleven’s massive “Big Gulp” drinks would have been exempt from the ban, as most convenience stores and supermarkets are beyond the city’s regulatory reach.

      8. “Our deep pockets will veto a soda tax.”
      When efforts by public-health advocates and senate leaders to consider new federal taxes on soda and other sugary drinks escalate, experts say, so does the lobbying spending of soda companies. Between 2005 and 2009, as public-health advocates were making a big push to tax soda at the national level, lobbying spending by the soda industry rose more than 30-fold, to $40.3 million in 2009, says Michael F. Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. That spending effort contributed to the defeat of the proposals at the national level, Jacobson says.
      Between 2009 and 2011, legislatures in several states and cities across the U.S. — including Philadelphia, Texas and Washington, D.C. — considered implementing a soda tax, but most of those were also rebuffed, and lobbying spending has tapered off since then. The amount of money spent by Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and the American Beverage Association fell to $10 million in 2011, Jacobsen says.
      The soft-drink industry says its lobbying efforts also go toward other issues, like agriculture, tax, nutrition and transportation. “We were reacting to the situation we found ourselves in,” says Christopher Gindlesperger, the spokesman for the American Beverage Association. He says it’s important to advocate on behalf of consumers “about discriminatory proposals like taxes and bans.” (Coca-Cola declined to comment and PepsiCo did not respond requests for comment.)

      9. “Our charitable donations wind up in strange places…”
      A report released in March by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest says that soda companies donate to charitable causes that might otherwise be highly critical of the industry. The report alleges that the industry’s donations to two major anti-hunger groups, the Food Research and Action Center and Feeding America, for instance, raise questions about those agencies’ “longstanding ties to food and beverage companies.”
      Such relationships between corporations and nonprofits, some public-health advocates say, can create a conflict-of-interest gray area. Case in point: These two groups stand alongside the soft-drink industry in opposition to regulations that would bar the use of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — formerly known as food stamps — to purchase sugary drinks, says the CSPI’s Jacobson. Critics wonder whether these organizations support the use of SNAP benefits to purchase soda if they weren’t getting donations from the soda industry. In separate statements, both groups say they’ve consistently opposed restrictions on SNAP because there are better ways to tackle obesity. Furthermore, they say, accepting donations from the beverage industry doesn’t contradict or compromise their missions.
      A spokesman for Coca-Cola says the company spent $45 million on community organizations last year. “The suggestion that our community philanthropic efforts are motivated by something other than goodwill is grossly inaccurate,” she says. A PepsiCo spokeswoman says the company supports “a wide array of organizations that work in the communities” it serves.

      10. “…including with doctors and dentists.”
      The very organizations that should be giving tips advising people to drink more water and less soda are also accepting money from soda companies, according to the study by the Center for Science in the Public Interest. It says the soft-drink industry has given money to groups representing doctors, dentists and dietitians, which it alleges has made it more difficult for them to give impartial advice. “Beverage companies are using strategic philanthropy to protect their images and profit,” the study reports.
      For their part, soda companies say that they don’t give donations with the intention of silencing potential critics.
      In 2009, Coca-Cola paid $600,000 to the American Academy of Family Physicians to help create a website advocating healthy diets. Glen Stream, board chair of the AAFP and a physician based in Spokane, Wash., describes the partnership between Coca-Cola and the AAFP as a “consumer alliance” and says Coca-Cola provides no editorial control. “There is an absolute firewall from the funding source that comes from Coca-Cola and the information that is provided,” he says. “We would support taxes on sugary beverages if the tax were actually high enough to affect consumption.”
